Had an Appt. with Realtor to see rehab house...he didnt show up....how should I handle it? - Posted by essbee

Posted by JPiper on July 21, 2000 at 01:00:39:

What statement do you stand by…this one???

“Just because everyone else may have no moral fiber or backbone in America (starting from Pennsylvania Ave on down), doesn’t mean it’s right - or that you have to condone it or acquiesce to it willingly.”

This would seem to have little do with with this latest post. Frankly, your original post seemed more like a little “American bashing”.

But if your point was to surround yourself with competent professionals, I would agree. Your original post didn’t indicate that to me.


Had an Appt. with Realtor to see rehab house…he didnt show up…how should I handle it? - Posted by essbee

Posted by essbee on July 20, 2000 at 10:04:26:

Had an Appt. with Realtor to see an old rehab house…he didnt show up yesterday. I was @#$% off at the inconvenience, he didnt even call. This morning I got on phone and asked to speak to the owner or manager of the realtors office. He wasnt in but I did get his name. The lady who answered said the realtor who I was supposed to see was in and asked if I wanted to speak to him. Immediatly I said no not until I speak to the owner. I first want to make my complaint to the top man.
Did I do the right thing?
On top of all of that, a rehab remodeler was also supposed to meet with us to go over the house to give me an idea of what I was dealing with…and the rehabber also didnt show up or call. I just spoke to both of them yesterday morning. I got the rehabbers name from an newspaper ad, needless to say I wont even bother calling him back. I will find someone else.
Is there a way to bypass this listing agent and deal with another agent? I dont even know this agent and already he is on my @*# list. What is my recourse after waiting 40 min. in rainy weather for him?

“80% of success is showing up” - Woody Allen - Posted by GL

Posted by GL on July 20, 2000 at 16:37:31:

He might have added, if you show up every day, on time, sober, and prepared to do your job and fulfil your obligations your success will be guaranteed. There are so few people that are willing to live up to this standard that you will stand out like a Cadillac in a parking lot full of Yugos. LOL

Yes success is that easy LOL LOL LOL

You should call the realtor and tell him how you feel, in the least offensive way you can. Let him know that YOU DO show up for ALL appointments, or give notice at least one hour in advance, ALWAYS, and you expect the same from him. No doubt HE has been stood up so many times, like 6 to 8 times out of 10 on appointments like yours, that he no longer takes them seriously. Let him know that YOU DO take YOUR WORD seriously on ALL matters and expect the same from him. Now you have committed yourself so you will look like an *hole if you ever welsh. LOL

Re: Had an Appt. with Realtor to see rehab house…he didnt show up…how should I handle it? - Posted by eric-fl

Posted by eric-fl on July 20, 2000 at 14:11:39:

Whoa, man, chill out dude… you need to like, relax, man, get some herbs or something…

Seriously, as Ed stated, this is par for the course. EVERYONE acts like this nowadays. If you make sure to honor your commitments, return phone calls, and show up on time, you’ll be miles ahead. Realtors are habitually late, but they usually at least call, it’s odd that yours didn’t. Contractors, in my estimate, don’t even show up 50% of the time. But I wouldn’t speak with his manager or anything, that will do no good except to make him mad at you, and remember, your goal is to buy the house, not reform Realtor behavior. And of course, you can always deal with another agent. Any agent can show you any listing. If you do wind up buying it, the listing agent will only get half the commission he would have had you bought it through him. The best place to explain this to them, if you really want to make them mad, is at the closing table. “You know, that check could have been twice as much if you’d only showed up that rainy day in July…”

Re: Had an Appt. with Realtor to see rehab house…he didnt show up…how should I handle it? - Posted by Ed Garcia

Posted by Ed Garcia on July 20, 2000 at 10:47:47:


Welcome to my world.

What’s happening is to you, comes with the territory. This business has its pitfalls just like any other. You are now experiencing what many of us go through on a daily basis.

REMEDY: Follow up and surround yourself with good people.
When things go wrong, we can react accordingly. Remember, in most cases, we choose the people we work with. The contractor is already OUT as far as I’m concerned. This is definitely a bad way to start out, by not showing up on the first appointment.

Contractors are notorious for this kind of behavior. I go by the Ice burg theory. Only a small portion of the ice burg is on the surface, when you see it, you know that there is more to follow.

Don’t be bashful when it comes to selecting the people you do business with. It’s important that if you are going to do business with these people that you have an understanding. You need to work with competent people. Choosing them can be done by reputation. You can talk to previous clients of theirs, or go by recommendation. Calling out of the phonebook can be risky. Even when you do work with competent people, things can go wrong. You have to take dissapointments in stride and plan for things to go wrong.

As for the Realtor, They’re gone too. This gives you an opportunity to go find a realtor of your choice, again by recommendation and give them a deal. You now have an agent who will be working for you. The other agent will know that they dropped the ball and will have their commission cut because of it. You have given the selling agent an opportunity and they blew it, so don’t be concerned.

Good Luck on your deal,

Ed Garcia

And that makes it RIGHT? - Posted by thedonald (ONT-CDN)

Posted by thedonald (ONT-CDN) on July 20, 2000 at 15:06:18:

Just because everyone else may have no moral fiber or backbone in America (starting from Pennsylvania Ave on down), doesn’t mean it’s right - or that you have to condone it or acquiesce to it willingly.

Having said that, get a buyer’s broker working on your behalf for you to arrange and make these appointment to view the properties - as they can get access/keys in advance, and not keep you waiting.

No Moral Fiber or Backbone??? - Posted by JPiper

Posted by JPiper on July 20, 2000 at 20:39:18:


Isn’t the accusation of “no moral fiber or backbone in America” a little strong? I mean aren’t we talking about a Realtor missing an appointment?

I’d say that battling out every “failing” of someone you deal with is going to lead to a long, difficult life. Not only won’t it indicate any superiority of morality or backbone, but you won’t have learned an important lesson…discerning that which is important and moving in that direction. What’s important here is to look at the house…which particular Realtor shows it is not.


Re: No Moral Fiber or Backbone??? - Posted by thedonald (ONT-CDN)

Posted by thedonald (ONT-CDN) on July 21, 2000 at 24:38:54:

Your assessment is accurate, but I stand by my statement.

It is easier to surround yourself with competent professional than rely on the whims of folks who don’t care about doing their job right, the first time.

But just because the world is full of incompetent, amoral idiots, doesn’t mean I have to like it, or choose to accept or participate in it or any of their shenanigans.