Gurus: Do I need ..... - Posted by kaattan

Posted by kaattan on November 20, 2001 at 16:13:46:

Thank you Gary for the pointer. Will call and find out.


Gurus: Do I need … - Posted by kaattan

Posted by kaattan on November 19, 2001 at 16:16:37:

a mortgage/note brokers’ license to sell MH notes I will be creating doing Lonnie Deals? Is it state dependent? I will be using my own funds to create the notes.

I searched in the archives and could not get a definitive answer. Lonnie also does not discuss this and I wanted to make sure I was not violating any law of the land.


Re: Gurus: Do I need … - Posted by Jason

Posted by Jason on November 19, 2001 at 16:45:23:


As you didn’t mention a state it is hard to tell, but in most instances you will need a mobile home retailers license, some park managers wont allow you to do biz without it… You should be able to call your local state government and get a packet sent to you about the licensing terms and costs…


Re: Gurus: Do I need … - Posted by kaattan

Posted by kaattan on November 19, 2001 at 16:59:50:

Thank you Jason. In IL I think I am allowed to do 5 deals without a license. I understand I will need a license if I find my niche and desire to do more.

But I was talking about selling the NOTE I will be creating. Not selling/buying the MH commodity itself.
Response is appreciated.


Re: Gurus: Do I need … - Posted by Gary (CA)

Posted by Gary (CA) on November 20, 2001 at 15:44:51:

Hi Kaattan,

You can find a matrix on ANN’s website here - This website is for sale! - notenetwork Resources and Information.

This matrix shows that for Illinois, “sale of private seller-carryback purchase money mortgage notes does not require license.” However, it would be good to check with the Commissioner of Banks to see if anything’s changed.

Gary Stephens