Greystone Mortgage Co. - LEGIT or NOT? - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on June 29, 1999 at 11:31:18:

I try to buy the property first. If that fails, I then show the seller how we can assist in selling his home by giving a copy of the booklet which go’s into all the details in selling your home in two or three weeks.

Some associates just hand out the booklet to every one they find that are selling their homes.

Greystone Mortgage Co. - LEGIT or NOT? - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on June 27, 1999 at 10:08:28:

Has anyone had any experience with a company based around
the San Antonio area called Greystone Mortgage Co.?

Their gig is that you send their booklets out to home-sellers desparate to sell. The booklet teaches seller how to create a carryback loan. Greystone comes in and buys this note & cuts you a check.

Thanks for your input.

Re: Greystone Mortgage Co. - LEGIT or NOT? - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on June 28, 1999 at 10:23:39:

I have been dealing with GreyStone for over a year now and can tell you it is legitimate. I have found this is the fastest way to flip properties and your check is cut on time for what you build into the transaction.

There are several methods you can use, but for the person just starting out, the booklet approach is the best. I use it when I can not buy the home, but I get few of these as I offer to buy at 90% of the appraisal and turn around and flip to the buyer or buyers I have lined up that can meet the qualification process. We can finance(cash out the note) in most cases, we work with buyers who have anywhere from 500 on up credit score Beacon/FICO.

I know John personally and he is for real. You can check out the company. The DUNS number is 93-380-5913.

It’s no pie in the sky scam like most of the others I investigated. It takes work, knowledge of what your doing, basic Real Estate practises (sp) but the rewards are worth it.

Re: Greystone Mortgage Co. - LEGIT or NOT? - Posted by Rick

Posted by Rick on June 29, 1999 at 07:02:02:

What is the “booklet” approach?