Great Tele-seminar, but...... - Posted by Justin (MN)

Posted by Steve on December 11, 2002 at 23:33:47:

Great idea listening on your cell phone.

I could not do that but I listend to the whole seminar, approximately 165 minutes, for $6.43 through my long distance carrier, $.039/minute.

I too hope they will have more. I did get more than I thought out of this.


Great Tele-seminar, but… - Posted by Justin (MN)

Posted by Justin (MN) on December 11, 2002 at 22:01:49:

Did anyone who “attended” the tele-seminar get disconnected? This happened to me over 5 times. I tried two different phones, and same thing. After calling back, I had a busy signal for 15 minutes - which was very frustrating.

I look forward to many more tele-seminars, but just wondering if this happened to anyone else


I agree… - Posted by JHyre in Ohio

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on December 12, 2002 at 06:28:47:

I had no problem getting cut-off, thankfully. I just turned on the speaker phone and let 'er rip. Excellent teleseminar, thanks Joe and David.

John Hyre

Great beginning … with suggestions - Posted by Sakar

Posted by Sakar on December 11, 2002 at 23:14:50:

there could be so many factors involved in you being disconnecting intermittently. I was listening to whole seminar all the time on my cell phone for free (sprintpcs - free 9pmEST night & weekends ;-).

Some suggestions -

  • Can we please do these tele-seminar on toll-free lines, definitely cre’s will pick up the bill but will be so much cheaper than having everyone pay a long-distance bill.
  • We definitely want to hear more of these tele-seminars and have experts cover some speciality areas of rehabbing, defaulted-paper, commercial RE, taxes, etc etc … The newsgroup is fantastic here but getting opp to hear today’s experts live is certainly an advantage. Also its helps common masses to hook-up with live happenings. I think its a great cheap way to convincing information; rather than having to pay more $$$ for seminars, and bootcamps.
    Today was a great beginning towards a home-run. Keep up the good work !