Great new web site update! - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Nathan_AL on February 19, 2005 at 24:34:26:

Just enter their name as the keyword and it will return all the posts their name shows up in. It just searches the text of the entire post, title, posted by, etc. Course you might want to use their name and perhaps a subject you are looking for. Lonnie, Tony and the other frequent posters have a ton of posts.

This doesn’t help you with the ‘sorted by date’ problem though. Maybe Jeanne or someone else may have a trick up their sleeve to help you out.

Great new web site update! - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Jeanne on February 17, 2005 at 14:05:48:

We’ve put together a super update for you, including
a new How-To Article and a new Success Story, and
we’re offering you a $400 Discount.

The current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter” is
now available by going to:

This issue’s feature articles include:

“What to Do When Your Postcard Isn’t Working”

Postcards can be an effective way of targeting
distressed homeowners. But if you are using the
very same methods as everyone else, you are
playing Russian Roulette.

Learn how Alexis McGee increases her response
rate dramatically without the effort and expense
of a big mail campaign.

“Effortless Income from an Old Office Building”

Hear how Mike Johnson created monthly cash flow
from an old office building. Now he has income
and equity and never has to lift a finger.

Wholesaling Real Estate - Blow-Out Sale

The best, fastest, and safest way for a beginner
to get started in real estate investing is
“wholesaling” or “quick flipping.” Done right,
you can start with very little or no money.

Dwan Bent-Twyford’s course, “Turn $10 into $10,000
in 30 Days or Less” will show you exactly what
you have to do to get started. And for a limited
time, we’re offering this course for $400 off
the Regular Price.

2005 CRE Online Convention Update

Discounts end in only 13 days…

Check out the details right now because we have
new speakers, new ideas, special sessions for
advanced investors, and we’re offering super
deals on “Second-Chance Early Bird” registration.

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools,
and profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan
Creative Real Estate Online

Re: Great new web site update! - Posted by Chris Reuman (Maine)

Posted by Chris Reuman (Maine) on February 18, 2005 at 19:41:02:


Thank you for the Newsletter.

I’ve got a quick request. When I do an Archive Search in the Mobile Home Forum, it askes for key words. I would like to have the ability to search “Posted by” names and have that search be sorted by date. I would love to read all of Lonnie’s or Tony’s posts, from the most recent to the first.

Thanks for all your help. Chris Reuman (207) 350-1037