Going to see Bronchick in Dallas on Sat.? - Posted by Thos (MN)

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 10, 2006 at 10:39:55:

How So?

Come on Brad, I’m havin fun with ya. I honestly think you’re a smart guy and if you want we can just talk between us off the board. I’m wide open to suggestions. I think we could learn alot from each other. Let me know if you wanna chat so we don’t bore the rest of the folks with our banter. You’ve got my email.

Going to see Bronchick in Dallas on Sat.? - Posted by Thos (MN)

Posted by Thos (MN) on November 08, 2006 at 08:27:57:

OK, so maybe I’m the consummate cheapskate, but since Bronchick is offering two tix for $199 and one costs $150, I’m hoping someone wants to help their cash flow (and mine) and sell me their extra ticket for a small profit. Perhaps even another Minnesota investor? I’m flying into Austin mostly to see our son in Ft. Hood who’s returning on Sunday from a year in Iraq. Email me. Thanks.

Congratulations on the safe return of your son… - Posted by Bill H

Posted by Bill H on November 08, 2006 at 19:04:47:

sorry but I do not have tickets to see Bronchick. However as an ex-gi I can tell you it is mighty nice to have friends and loved ones meet and greet you when you return from overseas.

Good Luck,

Bill H

While your there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 08, 2006 at 14:38:57:

Why not see Bill Gatten for free for 2.5 days? He has, in my opinion, the best system going but he will be the first to admit that Bronchick is much better looking. You can find info at LandTrust.net.

Re: While you’re there… - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 24:14:32:

You never quit, do you?

Re: While your there… - Posted by Thos (MN)

Posted by Thos (MN) on November 08, 2006 at 19:22:10:

Did Gatten’s 3 day free seminar in Mpls. Interesting info and I got my money’s worth, didn’t buy anything though. Land Trusts are complicated enough without his extra layers. Still hoping for someone with an extra ticket…thanks.

Re: While your there… - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on November 08, 2006 at 16:12:06:

Enough with the cult promoting already.
There are rules here, one of which is not to advertise.

No, don’t respond, not even sure why I did, other than at the moment, I have some time on my hands.

That’s passed though.

Re: While you’re there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 09, 2006 at 11:50:55:

Hi Brad, if you mean telling everyone about the guy and system that has made me millions in Real Estate, your right. I simply made a suggestion to help a brother out. Isn’t that what this forum is all about. He can take it or leave, I don’t care. I have nothing to do with Bronchick or Gatten other than I have both their stuff and I prefer Gatten’s.

The only problem here is that Bronchick pays to advertise on this site and Gatten doesn’t, so if someone mentions his name you guys get your panties all up in a bunch. Relax dude and get a life. Go make an offer or two.

Re: While your there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 09, 2006 at 12:06:40:

Those, NOT so complicated layers, are what is required by Law to make it a fully valid Land Trust. Go ahead, you can do it halfassed or you can do it right. Am I saying that it is the ONLY right way, well, YES. No one yet has proved me wrong. Is this a challenge? I guess so. But I guarantee you won’t see it on here because it will be deleted just like this post will soon.

Hey what do I know, I’ve only done a few hundred of these Land Trust things in almost every state and in several countries. So don’t tell me I can’t defend my method or my Guru/Mentor/Friend.

I see Bill Bronchicks name all over other sites he doesn’t advertise on and no one makes a big stink over it. I even see Bill Gatten himself refer to Bill Bronchick on his own site and no one cares. So what got up your skirt Brad?

I am not promoting or advetising for Mr. G at all. I’m just saying it works for me and might for others.

Oh BTW, I saw a good movie the other night called… oh, better not say or I’ll be advertising.

Re: While you’re there… - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 13:06:44:

Lease Purchase,

Every one else has to abide by the rules, no matter how inappropriate
you may think they are. Why do you fee that the rules are not
applicable to you?

Here is the most important rule: (taken directly from the top of the
main page)

> Here is what is NOT permitted:

> 1. Advertisements or solicitations.

You seem like a bright guy, with the exception of getting involved with
Gatten. Every time you post something promoting his products, you
lose respect and credibility. At least in MY eyes.

It’s a shame that you feel it necessary to promote him and his products
at every possible opportunity. You ARE a contributor here, but you
COULD be a VALUABLE contributor (maybe) if not for this “quirk”.

I invite you to post all the “NARS stuff” on the NARS board. There are
undoubtedly folks on that board that could use and actually want your

Even if you are as smart as you think you are, we don’t need another
“huckster” here.


Re: While your there… - Posted by Greg (FL)

Posted by Greg (FL) on November 09, 2006 at 22:06:44:

Now, that’s just plain funny!

Re: While your there… - Posted by Berno

Posted by Berno on November 09, 2006 at 14:08:40:

Got any snake oil?

Re: While your there… - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 13:25:38:

Lease Purchase,

> So what got up your skirt Brad?

Who are you responding to? Boy, are you “scattered”

> I am not promoting or advetising for Mr. G at all. I’m just saying it
> works for me and might for others.

You ARE promoting “Mr. G”, and in your heart, you know it!

Read the rules . . . there is a rule against advertising, and it even
applies to you.

When you say “while you’re there” to a poster looking to save some
money on a trip, and then go on to recommend that he take Gatten’s
workshop while he is there . . . YOU ARE ADVERTISING!

I suggest you knock it off before you are banned from this newsgroup.
If it were up to me, you would already be banned. Just another


Re: While you’re there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 09, 2006 at 21:47:16:

Here is the most important rule: (taken directly from the top of the
main page)

> Here is what is NOT permitted:

> 1. Advertisements or solicitations.

Thank God I didn’t do that. However, I did give my opinion. And why is what I said “advertising” in your opinion? I don’t promote, sell or benefit from his stuff.

If I were to say that Bill Bronchick has a killer Lease Option Course, of which I took, would that be advertising? BTW, it was a good course and I drove all the way to Denver to go to it. Thanks Bill B, it was worth every penny!

Re: While your there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 09, 2006 at 21:48:34:

Ask a Snake, none for sale here.

I’m Sorry - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 09, 2006 at 21:54:53:

I’m Sorry, I did not have *&^%al relations with that women, Ms. Lewinski. Oh, that was something else.

Are you saying that giving someone or something praises is Advertising, then I’m Guilty as Charged. Who’s programs or system have you used to make millions? Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have asked that question since you and I both know what the answer is.

Your going to blow a vein there Brad if your not careful. Can’t you tell I’m pickin on ya. Your fun, but very very wrong about me.

Re: While you’re there… - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 23:31:08:

lease purchase,

advertising |?adv?r?t?zi ng | |?ødv?r?ta?z??|


the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial
products or services : movie audiences are receptive to advertising | [as
adj. ] an advertising agency.

advertise |?adv?r?t?z| |?ødv?r?ta?z| |?adv?t??z|

verb [ trans. ]

describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public
medium in order to promote sales or attendance : a billboard
advertising beer | many rugs are advertised as machine washable |
[ intrans. ] we had a chance to advertise on television.

Eg. “Why not see Bill Gatten for free for 2.5 days? He has, in my
opinion, the best system going but he will be the first to admit that
Bronchick is much better looking. You can find info at LandTrust.net.”

What you do is constantly advertise!

Knock it off!


Re: While your there… - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 23:33:50:

lease purchase,

Have you noticed? It looks like you are now viewed as a snake oil
salesman . . . and by somebody other than me!

It looks like I am not the only one offended by your drivel.


Re: I’m Sorry - Posted by Brad Crouch

Posted by Brad Crouch on November 09, 2006 at 23:36:00:

lease purchase,

There was a time when I thought I might have been wrong about you, but
you keep proving to me that I was not.


Re: While you’re there… - Posted by LeasePurchase

Posted by LeasePurchase on November 10, 2006 at 10:35:18:

Brad, who made you the police?

Your responce is almost word for word a post I read on a Garden website. One lady was asking about Roses and another guy responded and told her she should try the Tulips at Home Depot instead.

The next post fired back at the guy for “advertising” Home Depot with the following…

advertising |?adv?r?t?zi ng | |?ødv?r?ta?z??|


the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial
products or services : movie audiences are receptive to advertising | [as
adj. ] an advertising agency.

advertise |?adv?r?t?z| |?ødv?r?ta?z| |?adv?t??z|

verb [ trans. ]

describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public
medium in order to promote sales or attendance : a billboard
advertising beer | many rugs are advertised as machine washable |
[ intrans. ] we had a chance to advertise on television.

Are you also a Fashion Policeman too?

Make it a great day, I have two more closings to go to today.