Getting Started... - Posted by Jared D.

Posted by DB on May 20, 2002 at 14:00:47:

Jared, read some of the posts by JohnBoy.

Search the archives for the words… “getting started” “how to get started” etc…

Read as much as you can on here, and any questions you have, feel free to post them on the board.
Go to your local library and check out any real estate books they might have. This will save you some $$$. Then, when you know what area of REI interests you most, buy a course or two on that specific area.

You, found a great website for information about real estate. I wish I was 19 when I started!!

Good Luck,


Getting Started… - Posted by Jared D.

Posted by Jared D. on May 20, 2002 at 13:53:14:

I am a 19 year old college student with no income but what I make doing summer work. I want to start investing in real estate to help pay my way through college. I have money saved to maybe get started and have been researching and reading about how to start investing. How much should I know before I step out into the waters? And, as a beginner what kind of deal and/or method of investing would be the way to go. I know that there are a lot of experienced people reading these who could give me a little hand in trying it on my own. Thank you for your help!