Getting over the hurdle.. - Posted by SarahB

Posted by Kristine-CA on March 29, 2004 at 09:53:51:

SarahB: you might want to post what your strategy is for this first investment property. Do you want to hold it as a cash-flow rental? Fix it up to re-sell? Flip it? These are all very different (although they all require that you buy right). Do you know what it is that you are trying to do. Buying properties is easy. Making money is a little more challenging–at least for me!

If you post what you are trying to do, more people can post relevant ideas. Sincerely, Kristine

Getting over the hurdle… - Posted by SarahB

Posted by SarahB on March 29, 2004 at 09:47:43:

Hello, I have prepared to buy an investment property. I have about $13,000. and a family member says they will lend me money (up to 125,000). I know what I should do to try get a property tied up but I can’t seem to make things happen. I’m afraid I screw up or make a mistake. It seems overwhelming even though I try to tell myself Im only trying to buy 1 investment property-= it cant be that hard…is it.
Ive read so much but am wondering if anyone can recommend something that might help me get some inspiration and courage to face my fears…maybe example of people who acheive success against odds. Does this make sense.
Thanks for any help you can give me.

Re: Getting over the hurdle… - Posted by Nike

Posted by Nike on March 29, 2004 at 12:11:03:


If you’re looking for inspiration try Manchester’s- The Last Lion- Churchill 1932-1940. Churchill was called on to save England, surely you can summon the courage to buy one investment property.

Try to find others in your area who are investing- copy what they’re doing, don’t try to re-create the wheel. Others are doing it and you can too. Good luck!