Gas Well on my land - Posted by Jim

Posted by Jack-E on June 03, 2009 at 14:17:36:

Jim. I am not a expert on PA oil and gas law, but I am very well versed in this type of law in general and especially in Texas and Oklahoma. Oil and Gas companies in general can do just about anything they want to, especially if they are not chalanged. However, in my neck of the woods they can not drill with out making an offer to the surface rights owner as to where, when and access. That makes it open to negotiation. I would recommend you contact the State Enity that has control over oil and gas exploration and find out what your rights are and how to proceed. From the way you describe it, it sounds like they have violated your rights quite a bit.

Gas Well on my land - Posted by Jim

Posted by Jim on May 31, 2009 at 10:07:07:

My brother and I own a 15 acre hunting camp in PA. He received notice that they were going to “explore for gas” on our property. I find out they cleared about an acre and installed a gas well. The gas company rep said they were 100% legal in what they did. I asked about the value of the trees and loss of land, he said the trees are piled up and I can sell them. He said they don’t have to compensate us, but he wants it to be an friendly situation between us. He now cut a road in accross our property to access a neighboring property. He said he doesn’t have to compensate us for this road either. He did offer to buy $1000 worth of rock to build the road about a mile, 50 loads @ $20 each. He said he’s going to try to convince his boss to give us free gas. Can they do this? They own the mineral rights.