Garnishing tax returns ? - Posted by Keith

Posted by John Merchant on February 12, 2006 at 14:24:14:


Garnishing tax returns ? - Posted by Keith

Posted by Keith on February 11, 2006 at 21:21:26:

I’m obtaining a judgement against a tenant in small claims court for trashing my property and walking on our deal.
Can you garnish someones federal tax return ? I know that back due child support can be seized from tax returns but I wasn’t sure if it was possible for any judgment holder to pursue that as well.

Very curious,


Forget it ! - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on February 12, 2006 at 09:37:36:

All states have now really toughened up their child support laws, to give sharper teeth to the mom in making her dead-beat X pay up.

So CS has lots of collection tools you don’t have and can’t use.

Time to be tough and mean is when you’re screening tenants, not when they’ve trashed the place and moved on…in my experience they’re by then pretty much uncollectible.

Garnishing Tax Refund??? - Posted by Jimmy

Posted by Jimmy on February 12, 2006 at 07:46:03:

I assume you are asking whether you can grab any tax refunds due, before they are paid out.


if this person has assets which are reachable under your state’s laws, have your attorney pursue collection that way.

if your state allows wage garnishment, and this guy has a job,have your attorney pursue garnishment.

if neither of these are viable, forget about it. don;t waste your time and energy. You will never see a penny.

Thanks John !! - Posted by Keith

Posted by Keith on February 12, 2006 at 11:41:59:

Thanks John for answering all my questions here and on the MH board. Your service has been invaluable to me and other I’m sure.
I have never gotten this much educated advice without having a bill show up the following month in my mailbox.
Maybe someday I can return the favor.
