Free Help... - Posted by Terry (Houston

Posted by Laure on July 13, 2000 at 22:19:26:

My husband did this for years in the Radio business. They are called “interns”…just like Doctors ! And they are free. Now think about that next time you listen to the radio. This kid could be doing this for free too. He also got kids doing his webpage updates.

Laure :wink:

Free Help… - Posted by Terry (Houston

Posted by Terry (Houston on July 13, 2000 at 17:59:02:

I recently moved from one city to the other. My wife and I are in the process of building a house while renting another. We are still living out of boxes.
My wife does loan processing out of the house for all types of credit and I am doing real estate investing and working full time. (As well as a few other multiple streams of income)
On top of this we have a 1 year old and a 6 year old out of school.
We also started up a coproration for our business and all of the organization that goes with that. That is a lot going on. I found that I was getting behind in the office organization, bill paying and catagorizing. Things were getting out of control fast while finishing up one deal and getting another under contract and all of everyday life in the way.

I may have found a FREE answer.
I contacted a business training center and found that I could enlist the service of graduating accounting majors and business office majors.

You see they are required to complete 160 hours of work in their related field prior to graduating. I get to interview and select the person I want and for 160 hours they will work for FREE. Sounds great huh?
I will direct them to as little or as much information as I want, get my office organized, get my books set up the way I have been told to by my real estate CPA and help a graduating student get a great referenceand real life work experience.

We all will win with this.

Yes I will have to monitor the activities but who knows I may find a great office administator.

Hope this helps
