I assume the statute of limitations for a fraud charge has passed.
Texas is a community property state, so if the property was purchased after the marriage, it does not need your Grandmother’s name on it to make it hers upon your Grandfather’s death. Who was your Grandmother’s guardian?
My grandfather had Alzheimers upon his death in 1990 and died intestate. He was married upon his death to my grandmother. However, my grandmother was in a mental hospital and passed away in the summer of 2004. My grandfather’s name was the only one listed on property title. My Aunt in 1988 forged his signature to warranty deed and power of atty - the notary was my aunt’s sister in law. My Aunt has passed away - the purchasers (my Aunt, then my aunt’s sister in law then a friend of my aunt’s) that have bought and or exchanged my grandfather’s property for 10.00 dollars are still in possession of it. I have consulted with atty’s - but want alot of money. If I pursused this on a pro se basis – should I file a trepass to try title? Adverse Possession?