Found Money / Mineral rights - Posted by Jimmy

Posted by Jack-E on April 20, 2009 at 14:04:04:

Jimmy. You are in the Oil and Gas business? So am I. Where are you located. We should get together and compare notes

Found Money / Mineral rights - Posted by Jimmy

Posted by Jimmy on April 20, 2009 at 13:30:36:

whenever you buy a property, be sure to ask if the mineral rights are still attached. and whenever you sell a poperty, be sure to ask if the mineral rights are someting you (a) own, and (b) can retain.

I bought 4 houses on 3 acres in 2007. I didn’t realize the MR were still attached. Often, these righte were severed decades prior. Anyway, a gas well operatpr approached me for a license. what the heck. that deal now gives me $300 a month, and the production is on the upswing.

u never know!!!


I’m in the oil & gas bid’ness !!!

Now Texaco-Exxon-Mobil & JIMMY! (nt) - Posted by Bill H

Posted by Bill H on April 20, 2009 at 17:39:06:


Re: Found Money / Mineral rights - Posted by Kristine-CA

Posted by Kristine-CA on April 20, 2009 at 15:22:37:

Congrats on your new business! I read every title report, always hoping
that the mineral rights are not detached. I’m in the largest oil county in
CA, and I work the areas that were developed because of oil. So, it’s very
unlikely that I’ll ever have some, but I always hope.