Forms needed to L/O a house? - Posted by Justin

Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA) on May 24, 2002 at 10:34:09:

You can look at the menu list to the left and choose Books & Courses menu item. You can buy a pretty good assortment of books and courses right from this site. There are reviews of the courses and what is inside so you can see what suits you and how much they cost.

It is also a good idea to support this web site by purchasing here on the web site. The least we can do as participants is to order through here for being allowed to use these message boards.

That’s my 2 cents…

Forms needed to L/O a house? - Posted by Justin

Posted by Justin on May 23, 2002 at 22:06:28:

I am new to real estate investing. I have read many books and gathered info from other investors as well as this site. I was wondering what forms are needed to sell/lease a home with Lease/Option to Purchase contract. Obvisouly the Option to Purchase Contract is need and a Residential lease agreement, possibly a bill of sale, but what other contracts are needed? Are the same ones need to buy a home L/O? Thanks

Re: Forms needed to L/O a house? - Posted by Paul

Posted by Paul on May 23, 2002 at 23:21:01:

Justin, jump on to and order Bill Bronchick’s Lease/Option course. You will then have everything you need and then some!
Good luck,