Forms needed for investing - Posted by Leland

Posted by tee mack on May 03, 2002 at 14:06:09:

Hi you can email me at the above address and I can give you a few options.

Forms needed for investing - Posted by Leland

Posted by Leland on May 03, 2002 at 14:04:02:

I have the desire and courage to proceed in the business of investing. However, where do I get the forms I will need such as contracts, etc? Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Forms needed for investing - Posted by JayG-TX

Posted by JayG-TX on May 03, 2002 at 14:49:50:

As a start, check out Bronchick’s website. It should give you some ideas on what you will need:

Good Luck!

Buy a course… - Posted by Mike Daly (GA)

Posted by Mike Daly (GA) on May 03, 2002 at 14:47:03:

This is not a good area to be cheap. There are several good courses that you can get forms from. I’d recommend Louis Brown – his paperwork is the most thorough I’ve seen and has been through the legal system here in Georgia. Whatever you use you’ll want to have an attorney review it to ensure it complies with your state’s laws.

Another advantage to getting forms with a course is that you will get instruction on how to fill them out.