forged deed or deed fraud - Posted by Howard Henry

Posted by michaela-CA on December 16, 2010 at 17:30:50:

It really depends on the situation - there are so many differences.

I’m not a lawyer, so take this for what it’s worth.

I was on the receiving end of getting involved in a number of fraudulant transactions in Atlanta and in some of the cases I worked together with the U.S. Attorney, the secret service and the FBI to get convictions.

A lot has to do if this is a singular incidence or if there are multiples and if they’re provable and how many people are involved and who is pressing charges.


forged deed or deed fraud - Posted by Howard Henry

Posted by Howard Henry on December 13, 2010 at 14:03:51:

Does anyone know if there is a federal or state criminal statute for this.
Thanks for the help

Prosctr can find laws broken - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on December 20, 2010 at 15:21:52:

Suspect might have broken a number of theft/conversion statutes and/or Fed Laws and a smart prosecutor will pick and choose which ones he feels might get him easiest indictment and conviction, depending on facts of case.

In my experience FBI and DOJ lawyers do these the best as they’ve got some experienced experts who don’t do much else and know the Fed Crim Code thoroughly.

They’re well known and respected in legal world for building strong, multi-violation cases that nail their victims about 98% of the time.