Foreclosure Scenario... - Posted by Jay (WA)

Posted by Ronald * Starr on November 05, 2001 at 22:54:46:


Get the owner to sell you for as low a price as you can. Maybe just give the property to you. Then you pay off the arrearages on the loan. Then you either hold for long-term rental or you resell as quickly as you can to occupant-type buyers, the people who will pay the highest price.

Good Investing*************Ron Starr***********

Foreclosure Scenario… - Posted by Jay (WA)

Posted by Jay (WA) on November 05, 2001 at 20:11:52:

Homeowner 3 months behind on payments of $1145, owe about $123K on loan, house worth approx. $155K. Is there a deal here, and if so, what would be the best way to structure it??

