Foreclosure Investing question - Posted by kc-re

Posted by JohnBoy on May 03, 2002 at 24:25:29:

Only one small problem. Any deal you bring them will never seem to meet their minimum criteria no matter how great it may be and they won’t ever fund your deals! So in reality, kiss your $500 bye bye!

Besides, if you found deals half as good they tell you you need to find then you wouldn’t need them to fund your deals anyway. You can just tie the deal up by getting it under contract to buy, then while you have a pending contract waiting to close, you can sell it to another investor and make a quick profit. You won’t have to pay someone $500 for the privelege of giving them half your profits either!

You can search the archives on this page and also on news group II which is the one for discussing stuff like Carleton Sheets and you will find all kinds of stuff about nationwide real estate discounters.

Keep your money and RUN!

Also search the archives here on flipping and you will get a ton of info on it.

Foreclosure Investing question - Posted by kc-re

Posted by kc-re on May 02, 2002 at 23:06:54:

Anybody have an experiences/recommendations positive or negative regarding the foreclosure property financing firms (AMERACO - American Real Estate Acquisition Corporation or Nationwide Real Estate Discounters)? I am looking for an low cost way to get into real estate investing & wholesaling seems like a good, low risk approach to get into the business. These national foreclosure outfits fund any deals that meet their criteria and share the profits or pay an assignment fee to the finder. These guys want $500 up front for training, which would be repaid with the first deal.

Keep $500 in a tight fist. NTXT - Posted by Brent_IL

Posted by Brent_IL on May 03, 2002 at 11:40:15:
