Foreclosure Help - Posted by Ray

Posted by John on August 19, 2008 at 04:58:00:

Not a good idea to put him through that stress after surgery. Get him into a new place (apt or family member’s home) before the surgery.

Foreclosure Help - Posted by Ray

Posted by Ray on August 18, 2008 at 07:07:51:

My cousin is being foreclosed on ( Il)The sherrif’s sale date is set and he doesn’t want to fight for the house anymore.Question- he is about to undergo major surgery the same week as the sale and the doc has told him his recovery time might be a few months. What is the longest he could stay in his condo without the sheriff booting him out and is there any legal maneuvering that could buy him some time before he has to leave? I advised him to get a lawyer but is it worth it?Any help from you folks would be a blessing

Re: Foreclosure Help - Posted by Lee

Posted by Lee on August 20, 2008 at 24:28:43:

Bankruptcy would delay the inevitable, but is not a long term fix.
Call Dave Ramsey to get his advice, find his number at