Foreclosure help - Posted by Mike ATL

Posted by Helen on February 17, 2003 at 22:29:47:

Have her sign an authorization to release info. I’m in the Atlanta area. Email me privately and I’ll give you contact info.
You definitely have time to get it out of foreclosure. I’m curious, are you questioning the time because you need to obtain financing? Have you checked for any other liens on the property?

Foreclosure help - Posted by Mike ATL

Posted by Mike ATL on February 17, 2003 at 16:46:51:

Never dealt with foreclosures or pre-foreclosures before. Did a couple rehabs a couple years ago. That covers my experience. BUT … just moved to the Atlanta area recently and wanted to get in the game here so I started advertising a week ago. Just got a call from a women who is about to be foreclosed on. Info so far:
Owes $68,000 (on a 13% interest note!), behind on payments (don’t know $ amount yet), she said house is valued at about $120,000. The foreclosure takes place (bidding on courthouse steps)March 4.
Question: Is their enough time to pull this out of foreclosure? What forms will I need her to sign to give me permission to obtain info from the mtg. company? My options on helping her on something like this? … By the way, the house is 5 minutes from me so I did a drive by. Nice house … value guestimate without seeing comps is $100-$110K (I was an appraiser in Florida 15 years ago), it is one of the smaller homes in the area, very good condition on the outside, nice size lot. Any help or suggestions appreciated! (I have an appointment to see her tommorrow morning!)