Posted by NJD on February 28, 2007 at 10:01:02:
Posted by NJD on February 28, 2007 at 10:01:02:
Florida lis pendens - Posted by info seeker
Posted by info seeker on February 24, 2007 at 10:07:26:
I’ve been advised by a Florida broker that a homeowner whose mortgage is about to be foreclosed, receives a LIS PENDENS. The broker further advises the homeowner must respond to the LIS PENDENS with an answer.
It has been my understanding a LIS PENDENS is a notice an action is pending which may impact title… but a Summons and Complaint is the document served upon the mortgagor which requires an Answer.
My question is this. Does the lis pendens instrcut the named Defendant to answer within a prescribed period of time? Are a Summons and Complaint served upon the Defendant?
How does it work?
And, does the practice differ from county to county?
Read FL Foreclosure statute - Posted by John Merchant
Posted by John Merchant on March 01, 2007 at 10:57:35:
Foreclosure law is normally uniform within a state
(I never heard of any RE law that varied county-to-county within a state), but differs widely state-to-state so you should find and read FL forecl. stat. to learn about your lis pendens question.
Probably doable in minutes online.