Florida Flipper - Posted by sld7

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on May 13, 2002 at 11:06:00:

Incorporating outside of your home state usually does not make sense…the bigggest exception to that rule is a company that holds intangible assets (e.g.- notes). I’d use a FL entity. The choice of entity is based on numerous personal details, the nature of your business and your home state. Flippers usually use LP’s or S-corps to minimize employment taxes.

John Hyre

Florida Flipper - Posted by sld7

Posted by sld7 on May 12, 2002 at 21:30:58:

Trying to decide if it makes more sense to incorporate outside of Florida. Contemplating Colorado, Wyoming, or Nevada?

Also which corporate entity (S,C,LLC) makes the most sense?