Fixture/attachment - Posted by chalon

Posted by John Merchant on August 19, 2007 at 16:47:43:

To save yourself a lot of money and time and angst, call the ex-H and ask him if he’d meet you for a cup of coffee and flip a coin for those things you both want.

Is it really worth it to you to go to war with him over a little thing like a piece of plastic that you can probably replace via Craigs List for a few bucks?

Fixture/attachment - Posted by chalon

Posted by chalon on August 08, 2007 at 15:05:42:

I am trying to determine if a spa (not in-ground), is considered to be a fixture/attachment. The spa’s wiring was attached to the fence. Also, a place was cemented specifically for the spa.

The scenario is that when my husband and I divorced, he took the spa and other fixtures, etc. The judge ordered him to return all the fixtures and items that were attached to the house.

Before I go to court and look like a fool, I would like to know what area does a spa fall in??

Thanks and GOD Bless…