Firing a Property Manager - Posted by Kevin Koskella

Posted by angela property concepts on July 27, 2005 at 22:36:12:

I am a property manager and everything that is in my contract i live up to totally, the problem is that these so called pm’s just do property mgmt as an added service to other services that they have put together or they are real estate companies. my business is strickly property mgmt and nothing else. so i say when using a property manager check out all there references to ensure that they are best for the job.

Firing a Property Manager - Posted by Kevin Koskella

Posted by Kevin Koskella on July 21, 2005 at 16:33:38:

I have a property manager that sucks and I need to fire him.

He already broke one of the rules in our contract, making it void.
There is a 30-day notice requirement and a requirement for me as the owner to pay him the remainder of the lease, but since he already broke the contract I’m thinking this doesn’t matter.

What’s the best way to fire? Write or call?


Re: Firing a Property Manager - Posted by Sean

Posted by Sean on July 22, 2005 at 12:36:09:

I just had to do this less than a week ago. I hired this PM as i was going out of town for a month with a vacant property. He got someone in there, who consistently paid rent late, never paid the full deposit and ran up a 1,000 gas bill in my name. The PM never collected a late payment - never filed an eviction which was all part of his contract as duties he was supposed to perform. It turns out the resident he placed in the property is someone who does side work and repair work for him, so he was cutting him slack at my expense.

On the 14th of this month when i called to see if I could come pick up my check, they told me they werent sure if they had recieved the rent (complete BS - they knew) and I told them that if I could not collect my payment the next day our agreement was done and I was cancelling it immediately.

I KNEW THEY COULDNT ARGUE WITH ME - SINCE THEY FAILED TO HOLD UP THEYRE END OF THE CONTRACT. And they called me back 15 minutes later to tell me the contract was cancelled and i could pick up the balance of the account whenever.

BOTTOM LINE - If they are not holding up theyre end of the agreement - Fire them. Even if the contract says you need to give them 30 days notice. If they are not performing theyre duties listed on the same contract - its not worth the paper its written on.

Re: Firing a Property Manager - Posted by Sailor

Posted by Sailor on July 21, 2005 at 17:38:37:

I would neither write nor call. I’d do it face-to-face, but I would already know what I planned to say. Note that property managers are like CPAs, RE agents, & attorneys–they usually have to be trained.


Re: Firing a Property Manager - Posted by dealmaker

Posted by dealmaker on July 21, 2005 at 16:47:19:

Write it out, short, to the point (his breach), no name calling, no shouting, no typos or misspelled words. Mail one copy Certified Return Receipt, and one copy standard snail mail. Just like you would send a default notice to a tenant.

You didn’t really think you had found THE ONLY COMPETENT PROPERTY MANAGER IN THE USA, did you? If he were any good he’d have been the first one.

Do it yourself.
