fire and mold damage - Posted by Mike

Posted by john schroedter on May 01, 2004 at 09:50:48:

I am not a fire chaser but currently have one signed and one pending. I deal with the homeowner. I made offer based on fairmarket value less repair costs and discounted. the homeowner deals with insurance co. and recieves whatever settlement they negociate. the property does sit for awhile until the settlement is finished and we can close. I have found it profitable depending upon how much damage has occured. I also have 30 years construction experience. Hope this helps

fire and mold damage - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on May 01, 2004 at 09:21:38:

I am curious if anyone has been a fire chaser out there?
Go after homes that are burned out or partially burned to get a good rehab deal.If so,what is the norm for insurance companies to pay out…what % of damage makes it a total loss?Would you go for an in w/insurance company or just approach the homeowner?What about homes with BIG mold problems?