finding qualified buyer? - Posted by jkf

Posted by jeff on April 27, 2002 at 21:33:33:

newspaper ads arent to disclose everything, they are to get callers. realtors are the masters of this, they put up an ad, you call, and they tell you about everything they have whether you ask or not. snice your old ad gets the callers and your gonna need to be advertising your own deals, you could easily screen all your callers for both situations. if they qualify for the 550+ thingy then you put them ni that category, if not, it the other pile for them. but if that ad is working for you and someone calls and doesnt have the 550+ credit, just tell them that you currently dont have a property that suits their needs, but you will give them a call once you fnid one. find out what they are looknig for and how they plan on paying for it, ie. monthly payments, option money, etc. this will give you a good idea of what yuor market is looking for and tell you if you can maybe charge a little more rent than yuo normally do. maybe they would pay 500 but you would normally only be charging 400, this way yuod find that out before you call them. if they seem to not want it at 500 then back off to 450 and see if it helps. thats still more than youd normally get and it makes them think they got a great deal since they “negotiated” you down $50/month. everybody is happy.

finding qualified buyer? - Posted by jkf

Posted by jkf on April 26, 2002 at 15:20:48:

I have been doing lease options and subject to. All of the properties I have are subleased to tenant buyers. I have no problem finding tenant buyers with my marketing (newpaper ads, flyers). Most of my tenant buyers do not have good credit. I ran into a fellow investor who buys property for cash 50% - 70% marketvalue in good condition and good areas. He seen how I find tenant buyers and would like me to help him find qualified buyers. He does not have the time because he works fulltime at another job. I normally just run a “RENT TO OWN/BAD CREDIT OK” and my phone rings off the hook. However, I do not think I can run that same ad to find qualified buyers. In most cases, to buy his houses they only need a credit score of 550 and above. Does anyone know of any ads to find buyers with a credit score of 550 and above. I see the potential to increase my income if I can find them. I was thinking just to continue to run my “RENT TO OWN” ad and maybe I will come across one or two a week that has at the minimum 550 and above. What do you think. Thanks brothers and sisters.