Finding Notes & Taxes - Posted by NoteBuyerWannabe

Posted by Jon Richards on April 01, 2001 at 19:42:32:

You can buy any secured cash flow stream. These included leases, inheritances, lottery and casino winnings, notes on cars, boats, airplanes, and more. The ranges of cash flows that are buyable and broker-able are limited only by your imagination.

However, our ?bread and butter? will always be notes secured by real estate. They make up the bulk, by far, of all cash flows.

There is no magic bullet for finding them. The best way however, is using referral sources and paying finder fees. You can learn more at our web site at

There are no tax advantages in the cash flow business, except using IRAs (The key note topic at the 15th NoteWorthy Convention in Orlando, June 21 ? 24, 2001).

The lack of tax advantages allows us to make great yields on our money to compensate for this.

Best of luck.

Jon Richards
Publisher, NoteWorthy Newsletter

Finding Notes & Taxes - Posted by NoteBuyerWannabe

Posted by NoteBuyerWannabe on April 01, 2001 at 15:19:13:

Can you give me examples of types of notes (other than mortgages/trust deeds) and some ways to find them?

Second…what is the best way to deal with taxes from your note income and capital gain when they’re paid off? Would holding notes in a corporation or LLC be better than in your own name?
