financing for deals - Posted by Tim Pears

Posted by ray@lcorn on January 09, 2006 at 14:26:29:


Sorry for the inconvenience. I am not involved with the ad side of the site, however, if you will send an email to JP Vaughan at about the problem she can address it with the vendor.


financing for deals - Posted by Tim Pears

Posted by Tim Pears on December 28, 2005 at 11:18:05:

Has anyone else clicked on the red banner ad you see when coming to this discussion board? The one that says $2 million in two hours? I did and the information sounded interesting, but then it is an ad meant to seperate me from my money. I was just wondering if anyone else had made the purchase and what their thoughts are on his program. Is it worth the time and money spent? There is always more opportunity than I have money available, so I could use something like this. So if anyone here purchased this program, and can give me some feedback on it I would appreciate it. You can respond publicly on this board, or just send me an email to, which ever you are more comfortable with.

Re: financing for deals banner - Posted by Don Wayne

Posted by Don Wayne on January 05, 2006 at 09:06:47:

I clicked there too last month and have been inundated with emails from the advertiser trying to sell me his various products and hinting my world will crash if I don’t buy. I REALIZE selling the ad space helps keep the forum up and running, but possibly having the advertisers agree to be a bit more tasteful would be nice. I ended up putting the address on my spam list because the link to be removed from the mailing list didn’t seem to register.