Filing Claim against Title Insurance - Posted by Jackson

Posted by JT-IN on February 06, 2007 at 18:28:20:

Title agency that closed the loan and was the underwriter / issuer of the Title Ins. They will have an extreme interest in getting on this right away…

Provide them the info that you have been provided about this lien that was not released.

What I am not certain of what you are saying here is if this 90K 2nd mtg was known to be in existence and actually paid from the sellers proceeds and just not released… This would be a minor issue, as it happens all the time. Your title agency will clear this up… However, if you are saying that this lien was NOT discovered as a result of the title exam, and now the lien has been discovered, that is a whole different matter. Either way, the title co should handle this immediately.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out…


Filing Claim against Title Insurance - Posted by Jackson

Posted by Jackson on February 06, 2007 at 16:10:11:

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone of you ever filled a claim for title insurance. I recently purchased a home, funds were wired from my lender and title recorded the deed with of course title insurance.

A few days went by and I was just notify that their is a 90K lien on the property. 2nd mortgage notes was never released.

What should I do?