FHA/DWN Payment Grant - Posted by MNR

Posted by Sheldon on March 30, 2003 at 10:15:23:

Verify it with your local housing authority, but generally you will have to refinance if it is not owner occupied.

FHA/DWN Payment Grant - Posted by MNR

Posted by MNR on March 27, 2003 at 12:42:13:

I have been approved for an FHA loan and a State housing down payment assistance. All great, but I am buying mutli-family. When I want to buy another and move out in a year or so, but want to keep the one I am getting now, can I move out with the FHA loan?? or do I have to refinance, get out of FHA so I can make something else my residence?

RE: Live in FHA home; want to move in another - Posted by Billy Turner

Posted by Billy Turner on June 21, 2003 at 11:55:55:

We live in an FHA home now and we need more space. We want to move out of this one and move into another FHA home with more space. What should we do?