fences and good neighbors? - Posted by ty

Posted by Jack-E on July 14, 2009 at 16:14:14:

Did it work?

fences and good neighbors? - Posted by ty

Posted by ty on June 28, 2009 at 12:43:41:

my tenant called me early morning to tell me the fence had come down across the hoods of two of his cars.the fence had been noticeably pushed over by a vehicle from the neighbors apartment building.luckily no damage to my tenants cars.fence damage $500.damage to retaining wall below fence $2000 I called police and made report, insurance ect.no witness so police won’t help.no one will own up to damage.should I contact the apartment building owner? maybean attorney? suggestions? thanks in advance

Re: fences and good neighbors? - Posted by Jack-e

Posted by Jack-e on June 28, 2009 at 16:16:57:

Certainly contact the apartment building owner. His insurance will probably pay for it. If not you may have to take other legal action from there. Be sure you get pictures of everything.