Faxing to and following up with R.E. Brokers - Posted by Rob

Posted by Clair-MO on August 09, 2002 at 11:26:04:

Robert, Take a deep breathe and hold it…release it! You are having the beginner’s jitters because you are going outside of your comfort zone! You aren’t going to be “ratted on” by the REBrokers, You are simply seeking a business deal with them. The most they will do to you is simply tell you “No Thanks!” Keep doing what you are doing!!! You are using every avenue to help you in your career as a REInvestor. Hope this will be some help and encouragement to you, my friend!

Faxing to and following up with R.E. Brokers - Posted by Rob

Posted by Rob on August 09, 2002 at 11:16:06:


I sent a fax to a whole bunch of R.E. agents regarding teaming up to do Lease/Options. However, when calling them back, I keep thinking they are going to feel threatened and report me to the Real Estate Board.
Can anyone reccommend a solution for my fear? I feel like I’m in High School and I’m going to be ratted out to the teacher !!!


Re: Faxing to and following up with R.E. Brokers - Posted by Scott Ewing S.W. Mich

Posted by Scott Ewing S.W. Mich on August 10, 2002 at 08:35:39:

First they may feel that L/O’s would be rejected and that it would waste their time. People list their homes to get them sold, not to be optioned. Second they would need to know how they get their commission and to that point, when I worked under my old broker before going independant, he wanted the commission in full at closing. Kind of put the brakes on CRE deals. Also there is the issue of liability. If you defaulted on your agreement, the sellers could and likely would come after the broker and agent. Just my .02 from someone whos’ been on the other side of the desk.