Fathers Day Gift Question! - Posted by Heather -Tx

Posted by RichV(FL) on June 14, 2003 at 12:04:33:


“Landlording”–Leigh Robinson nith edition. Its for “do it yourself Landlords/Landladies”.

I give it 4 stars. One of the very best Landlording books I’ve read.



Fathers Day Gift Question! - Posted by Heather -Tx

Posted by Heather -Tx on June 14, 2003 at 10:47:08:

Yes, I’m falling behind and should have already done this, but I’ve put it off until today! =)

This Fathers Day instead of giving my dad another Hunting gift, or fishing, or tie, you know the normal stuff…
I decided to give him something that will actually help him. He is just starting out in REI. He has one home now that he is doing the Rent to Own thing with and he is looking into Mobile homes for rentals.
What I am looking for is a really down to earth Landlording book. I’ve heard a few mentioned but I was wondering if anyone could recommend one that they have read. My dad is not one that will sit down and read ANYTHING Technicle and drawn out hard to understand legal definitions… so something really down to eath is what I’m looking for. Any Suggestions ?

Thanks in Advance
Heather Zaal