Fact Finding Mission - Posted by Gabriel

Posted by victor on August 18, 2000 at 23:56:39:

show me how for 50 bucks!

Fact Finding Mission - Posted by Gabriel

Posted by Gabriel on August 12, 2000 at 09:32:13:

Is their anyone in the Lawrence, Kansas area that has purchased the C.S program? Before I purchase his program, I would like to speak to someone that would be willing to answer my questions. Please e-mail me and let me know if anyone is using his program here in the Lawrence area.


Re: Fact Finding Mission - Posted by Rob FL

Posted by Rob FL on August 12, 2000 at 22:39:42:

There are lots of people willing to help, including myself. Why don’t you post your questions right here on the newsgroup?

Re: Fact Finding Mission - Posted by Ginger Harris, a real estate broker in Klamath Falls, OR

Posted by Ginger Harris, a real estate broker in Klamath Falls, OR on August 12, 2000 at 16:39:46:

I’m not sure what the market is like in your area or what your real estate laws are in your state. I am an independent real estate broker in Klamath Falls, OR, who has successfully and unsuccessfully used CS program and other creative variations for probably over 40 purchases using no money down. I am in the process of trying to see what it is that people need help with, what they understand and don’t understand. This is to help me get a feel for a product (short pamphlet and video with consultation online) that I am in the process of developing with the help of several advisors through a local college. I have a lot of experience in Oregon and can try and answer your questions. You can e-mail me at GingerHarris7777@cs.com I also have a thread posted yesterday that explains what I am doing.