Experiences with TenantStream? - Posted by chris-atl

Posted by Brent_IL on January 17, 2004 at 20:07:43:

I haven’t bought enough houses lately to use them, but I know unequivocally that the basic approach they use for obtaining their referrals works.

I like the fact that they will let you start and stop the account billing to save money during inactive periods.

I’ll probably sign up next month to satisfy my curiosity. It’s cheaper than a couple of ads in the Trib. For me, the deciding factors to continue using them would be the volume and the exclusivity of the leads. Just like mailing lists, you?ll want names that are genuine and fresh.

Experiences with TenantStream? - Posted by chris-atl

Posted by chris-atl on January 17, 2004 at 18:59:20:

Has anyone had any experiences with www.tenantstream.com?