ED,Mother/Son Partnership - Posted by Moe

Posted by Ed Garcia on July 26, 2002 at 23:54:49:


I think for you and your mother to team up would be an excellent idea. She seems to have the resources and you seem to be willing to find the deals and do the work.

If we can be of any help to you and your mother in helping you structure any future deals, feel free to call on us.

Good luck,

Ed Garcia

ED,Mother/Son Partnership - Posted by Moe

Posted by Moe on July 26, 2002 at 15:19:59:

Hello Mr Garcia,
I have found that my one"stumbling block" has been financing. My credit is bad enough that even HML’s don’t want to deal with me!(I find that odd considering I’ve never had to file bankruptcy before but I guess that’s for another post!)
Point is, my MOTHER says she’d LOVE to be my partner and that we’d make a great team! She owns three homes, rents out 2 of them. Has excellent credit. I’m willing to do the leg work. NOW,would it be feasible for HER to use hard money or home equity loans as a way to raise capital for OUR rehab projects? I apologize for length but a bit flustered! Thanks a lot!