Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by JB

Posted by mk on March 30, 2002 at 22:24:21:


Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by JB

Posted by JB on March 30, 2002 at 14:40:33:

I could not let another day go by without letting you know how much I appreciate the knowledge and wisdom that you bring to this board. I discovered this board about fifteen months ago. Since that time it has become a daily ritual for me to read the post here. If in the future someone irritates you and you want to quit posting, please remember that you are providing valuable information to many of us who do not always let our feelings be known. Keep up the good work. I hope that one day I may have the pleasure of meeting you in person and personally expressing my appreciation to you. Until then I wish you good investing and much prosperity.

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Steve W (WA)

Posted by Steve W (WA) on April 08, 2002 at 07:41:48:

I just returned from a week in the Anaheim area. Responding to a request just before I left, Doc met with my wife and me, and a couple of others, to discuss the business - I’ll call it “hold a seminar” - that’s what my expense will be labeled!
Doc took half a day to drive to our hotel and spend hours with us. Where else would one get that kind of attention?
On the boards, it is rare that a “Doc post” is not an elaborate, finely tuned statement or response. I, like others, consider Doc Craig Whisler a great asset to this board - if certain comments seem offensive, build up a callus - and I look forward to his information specifically regarding the mechanics of this business - carpets, septic issues, et al, and I also anticipate (hopefully) a published work soon.

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Cris(LA)

Posted by Cris(LA) on April 06, 2002 at 01:15:53:

I want to thank you Dr.Craig for arranging to meet us all newbies in Anaheim just to discuss anything we needed to know about MH. Your love to teach and share is contagious.
Thanks for your time and suggestions!
Hope to see you soon.

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Curtis - FL

Posted by Curtis - FL on April 05, 2002 at 22:14:01:


I can’t agree more. Last night I was able to talk to doc on the phone for a little while and get some great advice. We should really consider ourselves fortunate that we are able to receive FREE (well, it may cost you a Big Mac) counseling whether it be on this board or the telephone. Thanks again doc.

Curtis - FL

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Bob Huntsman

Posted by Bob Huntsman on April 04, 2002 at 11:29:59:

I have met with Craig and I can tell you that he has a lot of knowledge in this area. His brain works 24/7 and he can brainstorm a deal in minutes. Like the rest of us, he wants to hustle now, retire soon, and let the cash flow continue. The only way for that to work is to do it right. He keeps his eyes and ears open for deals, and how to make them better. It was three hours well spent learning the ropes talking to him. We WILL get together again for another chat.

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Skip (CA)

Posted by Skip (CA) on April 03, 2002 at 13:38:32:


Thanks for taking the time to site the contributions of Dr. Whisler. I’ve been a reader of this board for some time and contribute when I think I’ve got something to add. I can honestly say that I’ve learned a great deal from Doc Whisler’s posts and I for one am glad that he has not been driven off of this board by those he may have rubbed the wrong way. As you said, his knowledge and wisdom are an asset to this board.

Just my .02.


Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Ed C (CA)

Posted by Ed C (CA) on April 02, 2002 at 22:11:52:

Also as a daily reader of this board. I would like to add my comments regards Dr.Whisler. I hope he will continue to share his experience and wisdom with the rest of us. He has already helped me refocus the direction my investing thru MH’s is taking. THANKS DOC!!

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Gambit_NC

Posted by Gambit_NC on April 02, 2002 at 19:37:07:

Dr Whisler,
I too truly appreciate all that you do! I want to say thanks for taking your obviously valuable time and giving back to we newer investors. I rarely post here, but I read here daily. Keep up the great work, I really appreciate all that you do! THANKS!!!

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Casey(TN)

Posted by Casey(TN) on April 01, 2002 at 22:32:53:

I third that motion. Doc is great!

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Ray(Ga)

Posted by Ray(Ga) on March 30, 2002 at 16:16:17:

I say “AMEN” to your Post to Dr. Craig Whisler. Well said JB. I’m impressed by the wisdom and knowledge that you bring to us,Doc, but more than the message, I’m impressed with the messenger. Thanks for your time,Doc…

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by Ed C (CA)

Posted by Ed C (CA) on April 02, 2002 at 22:17:25:

Failed to Thank All of you for sharing thoughts and advice. Especially Chuck AZ !

Re: Dr. Craig Whisler - Contribution to This Board - Posted by brad

Posted by brad on April 04, 2002 at 12:58:42:

Doc i was going to agree but i don’t want the hospital stay to be too long when your head swells and busts your monitor. Just kidding keep posting rip things open and find the problems. its too easy to be nieve and over look things when you first get started. we need the experiance to keep from doing what so many others are. that dirty four letter word WORK.