Double to Lonnie after my first deal! - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on January 21, 2003 at 21:59:33:

I meant “if” I actually make a deal…and it would be a gratitude thing. Just like buying a park manager a lunch or something.
Only you are right, it would be partly motivated out of not following the “norm”. (I usually don’t follow the norm, so I don’t know why I am starting now!)

Double to Lonnie after my first deal! - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on January 19, 2003 at 19:28:02:

Since I bought DOW used, and Lonnie didnt get royalties, I will send him double after my first profitable deal. I am sorry I ordered the thing the way I did. I think they tied it to a turtle and headed him my direction!
I’m sure he doesn’t need it…but that isn’t the point!

Re: Double to Lonnie after my first deal! - Posted by Sam Chevel

Posted by Sam Chevel on January 21, 2003 at 17:16:58:

So did you also go to the mobile home dealer and pay them another commission since you bought the mobile home used from someone else and not the new dealership?