Do you systemize? - Posted by Rachel

Posted by Lee on March 07, 2009 at 20:44:06:

Definitly, Real Estate is a business and should be treated as such. You need to systemize alot of your processes in order to minimize your time and effort.

A few suggestions

  1. Keep check off lists for things. Pilots use them and so should you.
  2. Organize your work week such as viewing homes on one day in certain areas.
  3. Automate as much as you can. What you can’t automate you should delegate.

How are you handling your incoming leads. Do you have an answering machine or answering service or do you answer the calls. When do you call back leads? How do you follow up on leads? When an offer gets rejected how do you follow up 30,60,90 days later.

When prospective tenant/buyers call in and give you their info and they don’t like any of your houses that you currently have what do you do with their info? TIP - Keep it and keep emailing them with your new properties.

Never lose a lead. Keep working it. Even if they are not interested in selling you their house then you can put them on a marketing email list and keep sending them email about buying houses and houses you have available. They may know someone that is getting a divorce or needs to sell a house or they may know someone that wants your Rent to Own / Seller Finance house.

Do you systemize? - Posted by Rachel

Posted by Rachel on March 05, 2009 at 09:38:45:

I know I need to spend more on my education, and I’m considering buying this when it comes out… whatever it is…

(From Twitter):

But I’m wondering if you guys systemize? Has it freed up a lot of your time?

I read Four Hour Workweek and that was good, just didn’t have a lot of actionable info…

Share your tips please!