Do follow-up mailers justify added cost ? - Posted by Blue Heron

Posted by randyOH on February 08, 2004 at 18:30:14:


Do follow-up mailers justify added cost ? - Posted by Blue Heron

Posted by Blue Heron on February 07, 2004 at 20:15:05:

I created a direct mail piece that’s very targeted but I don’t use any follow-up pieces. I’m getting a response rate of about 3%. I know 3-5% is the norm, but I feel with how targeted it is, it should be doing better than that. I’d be very happy if I could increase it to just 6%. Any thoughts on follow-up pieces? Any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks, in advance. -Blue

Follow up pieces are… - Posted by Barry (FL)

Posted by Barry (FL) on February 07, 2004 at 21:17:06:

incredibly important! You will increase you hit ratio with every follow up piece that you send. I send up to 4 with each campaign.

Hope This Helps,
Barry (FL)

Re: Do follow-up mailers justify added cost ? - Posted by Tom-FL

Posted by Tom-FL on February 07, 2004 at 21:16:57:

I am embarking on a mailing right now. In fact, the first mailing just hit mailboxes yesterday. I will be sending the EXACT SAME mailing ten times, so there is no mistaking where it is coming from. Trying to build a little brand awareness here. The mailing piece is also identical to my bandits, car magnetics and newspaper ads. I was also thinking of having it put on the pocket of polo shirts.

It’s about repetition.

Re: Follow up pieces are… - Posted by randyOH

Posted by randyOH on February 08, 2004 at 11:37:53:

How do you space them out? Every week, 2 weeks, 1 month?

depends on who your mailing to - Posted by Barry (FL)

Posted by Barry (FL) on February 08, 2004 at 12:08:17:

What is your list of?

Default notices. nt. - Posted by randyOH

Posted by randyOH on February 08, 2004 at 12:16:13:


Re: Default notices. nt. - Posted by Barry (FL)

Posted by Barry (FL) on February 08, 2004 at 12:57:30:

In Florida, the foreclosure process averages around 5 months as long as no extensions are granted or BK’s are filed. I usually mail a piece every 15 days.

Hope This Helps,
Barry (FL)

Re: Default notices. nt. - Posted by Tom-FL

Posted by Tom-FL on February 09, 2004 at 24:35:06:

I thought it was closer to three months around here (Broward). I have a plan to research it some day. Look up all the court sales on the recorders site, and then note the date, and then compare to the LP date. Of course there is my constant companion, procrastination.