Do Banks keep paying REO HOA and Taxes on vacants? - Posted by kaity

Posted by Rich-CA on May 07, 2008 at 12:57:06:

to keep up on all the obligations - HOA dues, property taxes, etc. that any other owner has to pay. I am in one HOA (its in CO) where the dues were not paid for a unit and the HOA placed a lien on it then, when they did not get paid, it was foreclosed. Now the HOA owns a rental unit.

Do Banks keep paying REO HOA and Taxes on vacants? - Posted by kaity

Posted by kaity on May 07, 2008 at 09:46:02:

Question for Bill Brochnick and other RE law gurus:

Do banks pay REO taxes and condo/coop dues even though the property is vacant/unsold ---- or, do they get a special “break” from taxes, maintenance and condo fees?

The reason I ask is because I live in California (“ground zero” for REOs) and wondered if for example a bank still has to pay the monthly maintenance/Homeowners Association Dues while the property is vacant.

If so, man, our country is in REAL trouble (think on all the condos/coops foreclosures and REOS…)

I’ll keep my money in the mattress its’ safer! :slight_smile:

Re: Do Banks keep paying REO HOA and Taxes - Posted by Natalie-VA

Posted by Natalie-VA on May 16, 2008 at 10:43:40:

In my area, they usually don’t pay them until the property is sold. Then, everything is due, prorated to the sale date.
