Dividing property to sell - Posted by Darrin Langford

Posted by Natalie-VA on July 26, 2005 at 09:57:51:


Hopefully your contract states this clearly and your buyers understand what they are getting and what they are not getting.

I would make sure YOUR attorney reviews the contract and the deed before you sign it.


Dividing property to sell - Posted by Darrin Langford

Posted by Darrin Langford on July 22, 2005 at 09:10:08:

I purchased a home and garage on three parcels of land. My intent was to sell the house and keep the detached garage. The garage is on it’s own parcel. What recomendations do you have? I’m new to this. The couple buying the house has their financing in line. The parcels on the purchase agreement are numbered correctly.
Thank You!