discount - Posted by tyler

Posted by tyler on June 24, 2007 at 16:20:05:

sorry david…, wasn’t meant to be a solicitation at all. was looking at a note to buy (which i have a material interest in the property) and had a competitor bidding fairly steeply… was curious what others out there consider worth there time. i always assumed 20%+…

discount - Posted by tyler

Posted by tyler on June 11, 2007 at 10:26:16:

Your thoughts are appreciated. Got a 130k note at a rate of 5.58%, $1,350/mo payment amortized with full payoff at 128 months…Buyer/borrower put down $75k at close, A+ credit with 720+.

1st payment made on 1/1/07. Value of building $200-250K being a small corner grocery store with apt above…

What would most out there pay for this???
10% is $106K
12% is 97.2K
15% is 86K
20% is 72K

Re: Open Bidding? - Posted by David Butler

Posted by David Butler on June 12, 2007 at 11:58:19:

Hello Tyler,

More information on collateral (including operating history and debt coverage ratio) is still necessary for an truly accurate quote, but be aware that the way in which your question is posed here is tantamount to making an solicitation for a bid here in the Forum.

Better to send private emails to various individuals here who you have determined might be note buyers, based on their contributions to the Forum, or by using the Classified Ads section as directed in the BOLD RED LINK right at the top of the threads above…

“Want to buy or sell notes? Go to our Classified Ads section.”

BTW… if the Payor credit, the down payment to sales price (or appraised value, if lower) are anywhere near the numbers you have provided, you are likely to get a very good price for the note.

Hope that helps… and best of success!

David P. Butler