disclosures - Posted by gws

Posted by John Merchant on May 24, 2010 at 10:22:38:

The law on such disclosure responsibility on Seller is different on residential (1-4 units normally)and non-res and also is different in each state.

In res’l it’s quite rare for tenant to be sued if or when he walks, but in comm’l, litigation is more likely to follow if one side or the other backs out.

An experienced local RE practicing lawyer is your best source on this question as he/she’ll know your state’s law, court decisions on, judge’s attitudes and stances, your chances of getting sued, etc.

disclosures - Posted by gws

Posted by gws on May 23, 2010 at 19:17:16:

I recently signed a 3 year lease with a noption to purchase a warehouse. I then found out that there is some contamination in the prop. can I break the lease? since this was not disclosed before entering into it. a commercial re agent says I can because there is an option to purchase in the lease and I wasnt told about the contamination pls help