Difficult question - Posted by Shana

Posted by Shana on November 11, 2006 at 09:25:29:

by the way I am in Alabama

Difficult question - Posted by Shana

Posted by Shana on November 11, 2006 at 09:24:41:

My dad died last year. Both he and my mom who were divorced are on the deed to the house. My mom had to go into a nursing home and due to having a family to take care of and being emotionally drained after losing a baby, my brother and then my dad I signed a piece of paper that I agreed to let my mom’s sister handle my mom’s affairs.
My mom is now in a nursing home.
Do I have any rights to that house since it is in my dad’s name too?
My Uncle is trying to sell it- and basically take the money for his family as well as stealing items out of the house. It is his wife that has power of att of my mom.
But since it is my dad’s house too do I have any claim?
Thank you.