DFW rehabs - Posted by v2madcat

Posted by jerome on April 27, 2003 at 22:13:15:

I’m out of the DFW area e-mail me and let’s talk

DFW rehabs - Posted by v2madcat

Posted by v2madcat on April 27, 2003 at 12:16:42:

Hi, i have been reading creative real estate online posts for almost a year now and im more convinced than ever that Real Estate is the only way to go. Where else can you make a four or five figure profit in a couple months time, over and over again? The only problem that i face is that im only a freshman in college, with a part time job. This means that i have very little money to work with and practically no credit. That being said i have seen a lot of opportunities, money being made all around me but without any credit i have not been able to get in the game. Without cash to work with it seems like no one will take a 19 year old seriously. My question is how have others got started? what is a good way of getting started in real estate with little or no money down and more importantly NO CREDIT (not bad credit just “no credit”. What field in real estate is esier and more welcoming to begginers, such as myself? I have big ambition and i know sooner or later ill be dealing in realestate im just having problems getting started right now. My email address is v2madcat@hotmail.com if anyone has any suggestion ill wlcome any emails that i receive. Thanks in advance to all who respond to my post and Thank you Creative Real Estate for all the wonderful information on this site.