Delinquent Tax Properties - Posted by Richard

Posted by John Merchant on January 26, 2003 at 06:28:43:

In TX, this is as per Tax Statutes, and it’s the Sheriff who auctions, at the courthouse, or courthouse annex.

Call the county tax assessor/collector in each county to find the date and place of their next tax sale, and to ask for a list of the RE being auctioned.

These days, I’d bet they probably have website, in Harris County and other bigger counties, so you could do online research; in smaller counties, you’d probably just need to call them.

Last time I checked, TX counties each does its own thing, and they don’t particularly want to streamline or make it easy or centralized. Tx is Tx!

Delinquent Tax Properties - Posted by Richard

Posted by Richard on January 25, 2003 at 23:43:03:

I was wondering if anybody can tell me where I need to go in order to get a list of Delinquent properties in Houston Tx. And also maybe to find out where real estate auctions are being held.

Re: Delinquent Tax Properties - Posted by BrianG (HouTx)

Posted by BrianG (HouTx) on February 04, 2003 at 10:37:29:

Best place for houston Tx foreclosure/tax sale info is Foreclosure Listing Service at “foreclosehouston”. It costs a few bucks but it is what the majority of the people use. They do a really good job. Look under sherrif sales for your tax properties.

ps: add a www and a com to find the address :slight_smile:

Re: Delinquent Tax Properties - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on January 26, 2003 at 08:28:11:

John I really appreciate the information.