Delaware LLC's vs Illinois LLC's - Posted by Jay

Posted by Rich-CA on June 05, 2008 at 20:57:58:

in the state where the properties are and once you do that, you are subject to their laws. The advantages are when you get to court over a dispute. If you do business in IL, you will end up in court in IL, not in DE.

Delaware LLC’s vs Illinois LLC’s - Posted by Jay

Posted by Jay on June 05, 2008 at 19:38:04:

Does anyone know the benefits of using a Deleware LLC over a Illinois LLC? I am looking to purchase a commercial property in Illinois and I was told that I can choose to setup either. I am not sure of any extra fees or legal benefits of one over the other?


Doing Business legal requirements - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on June 16, 2008 at 22:48:47:

The law in most states is that the out of state (foreign) corp or LLC is required to register with the property’s state’s Sec of State in order to Do Bus. in that secondary state.

Doing Bus. has been found to exist whenever the foreign corp/LLC owns and is operating rentals in state B so if required registration in State B is not then done, and your LLC were to get sued, it wouldn’t have the right to defend itself in court there in state B, or to bring suit there in state B.