deals in Texas - Posted by Gerald Brown

Posted by John Merchant on May 04, 2004 at 21:05:26:

I’m doubtful of the legal accuracy of your statement.

Doubt seriously if I were to buy then sell a single MH in a MHP in TX that I’d be considered a law breaker if I had no license…a certain number in a certain time frame, maybe, but if I’m the registered legal owner of the MH, maybe not even then.

How about one of you TX guys doing some little legal homework/briefing of this issue for us?

Do a little internet detective work, searching for TX statutes, then MHs on the statutory index, then citing the section of TX Statutes so we can all read & follow along.

Also, some agency of TX gov. has rule making authority in this area, and a citation of the applicable rules of that agency would be helpful.

deals in Texas - Posted by Gerald Brown

Posted by Gerald Brown on May 04, 2004 at 13:50:03:

HELP,Iam new to dealing in mobile homes in Texas and just heard about broker and dealer lic. in Texas. I know Texas cant stand someone making a dollar without them getting a piece of the action.So what is required and whats the cost in Texas. Im in the Dallas area and would like to talk with other investors in the area. I have a possible deal in the works but cant move on it until I find out what the laws are. E-mail me at…THANKS

Re: Deals in Texas - Posted by Paul(TX)

Posted by Paul(TX) on May 06, 2004 at 12:58:40:

The Texas MH law is very clear in this respect …

You are permitted to sell only one MH per year, without having to obtain a dealer or broker license.

Looking at the TDHCA code violation postings, there are frequent entries re: unauthorized dealer status, so be careful!

My guess is that their computers are programmed to “sniff out” duplicate registrations. One way round this is to title in your wife’s or other relative’s names … one per title. (Obviously, they need to be trust-worthy relatives).

As that famous Texan … J.R. Ewing … once said:
“If you can’t get in the front door, then go round the back!”

Good Luck & Regards,

Re: deals in Texas - Posted by Bill McDaniels

Posted by Bill McDaniels on May 05, 2004 at 10:22:15:

Gerald, check out these links, and take some No-doz or fix yourself some strong coffee: (go to Chapter 1201)

Re: deals in Texas - Posted by jon

Posted by jon on May 04, 2004 at 17:47:32:

You have to have a RBI license - about 4 days of school and $850, there maybe more involved than that, but i know you have to have that at a least,