Deals in Fla - Posted by Ray (MO)

Posted by Chuck in TN on January 06, 2005 at 21:41:21:

Here’s a link about a Florida trailer park that’s been going through heck since the hurricane. It sounds like the owner is a “motivated seller”! If someone get’s rich of this one, remember my finders fee!

Deals in Fla - Posted by Ray (MO)

Posted by Ray (MO) on January 06, 2005 at 16:46:26:

Is anyone doing deals in Stewart County Florida? My brother lives there and is talking about buying a new dw. He says the parks he’s talked with will only take new homes since the hurricanes. Is this true?

Re: Deals in Fla - Posted by JohnP

Posted by JohnP on January 07, 2005 at 17:51:31:

The new law that past in Florida is that if you are in a wind zone 3 area. You can only move a wind zone 3 mh into that area. There is a loophole, if you have a wind zone 2 and your park is closing or you have been evicted, you can move the wind zone 2 into a wind zone 3 area. The park your brother had talk to might only want new mh’s; that is the parks option, or as I know of right now, you can only get a wind zone 3 mh if it is new. All the used 3’s are gone, as far as I know.

I hope this helps.


Re: Deals in Fla - Posted by KarenB(FL)

Posted by KarenB(FL) on January 06, 2005 at 19:58:09:

Hi Ray. You must mean Stuart (different spelling) which is a City (not a County) which I believe is in Martin County (on the East coast, just north of West Palm Beach). Maybe Parks can set their own rules about what they accept, for “any” reason ie. asethitics, but to my very limited knowledge, the last code update/changes for building MH’s went into effect in 1994 (two years after Hurricane Andrew hit ).

This revised code/standard just had a very big test and many of these homes survived VERY well through the 4 storms that hit this year - only losing carports, and other structures, but the homes remained intact as well as traditional structures, even in the worst areas. I too look forward to hearing an answer from the FL “experts”. Karen